From L to R are; Darrell Currie, Onslow Belmont Fire Department; Alan Taylor, Hilden Fire Department; Ryan Stacey, Metalfab Fire Trucks; Chantal Hamilton; Chad Hayter, Son of the Late Chief Hayter; Paul Maynard, CVFSA-NS Assistant Director and Sheldon Richardson, Hilden Fire Department.
Metalfab is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2019 Jim Hayter Memorial Scholarship is Chantal Hamiliton. Chantal is a member of the Onslow Belmont Fire Department and the Hilden Fire Department. She is
a committed volunteer level one firefighter and has a degree in Kinesiology from Dalhousie University. She is going to use the scholarship as she returns to NS Community College to take Practical Nursing.
The scholarship was established in 2017 to honor the late Jim Hayter, a charter member of the Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association (CVFSA). Chief Hayter was also a firefighter with the Alvinston, Ontario
Fire Department for 44 years, 15 of which he served as Fire Chief. In addition to his dedication to the Fire Services, Chief Hayter was extremely active in the community including serving as Deputy Mayor. The award is presented annually through a partnership between Metalfab and the Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association. The successful recipient is selected based on both academic merits and community service.