MetalFab Blog

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The Decline of Firefighter Volunteerism

Ask almost any career firefighter about volunteers on their force—as we did the other day while walking through our small town—and you will hear the same thing: the difficulty they’ve had recruiting volunteer firefighters in recent years. It’s a problem sweeping departments across the United States and Canada, and it puts a serious dent in…
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Fighting Firefighter Cancers

One of the most difficult topics to discuss is the high incidence of cancer in firefighters. According to data from the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN), cancer is the most dangerous threat for firefighters today. Sadly, over 60 percent of firefighter deaths in the line of duty between 2002 and 2017 were due to cancer….
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Staying Safe During COVID-19

The novel Coronavirus has brought pain and heartache to millions of families, including many in our own firefighting communities.  A quick Google search reveals hundreds of local obituaries of veteran first responders who have succumbed to the disease – all leaving behind distraught families to pick up the pieces. Fortunately, over the past several months,…
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Easy to Sanitize Poly Cabinets Metalfab is excited to announce the introduction of the new MP-100 Series Cabinets. These cabinets and drawers are made solely of polypropylene. No metal or dissimilar materials are used in the construction. The construction of the units is specifically designed to allow for easy and full sanitization of the unit….

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