Metalfab is honored to announce that a partnership with New Brunswick Firefighters’ Curling Association has been made and starting with the 2020 Championship, Metalfab will be the title sponsor of the annual provincial championship for the foreseeable future.
The brotherhood that exists between fellow firefighters is something not seen in any other profession or association. It takes a special type of person to be willing to risk their life in attempts to save others. The camaraderie between fire fighters from all sizes of towns, cities, and villages is unbelievable. The New Brunswick Firefighters’ Curling Association exists to give the opportunity to all provincial firefighters to gather once a year to partake in a weekend of socializing with fellow brother and sister firefighters while competing in the sport known worldwide for its sportsmanship. The winner of the event is crowned the Provincial Champion and represents the province at the National Championship. Combining the strategic sport of curling and the brotherhood of firefighters’ results in a unique opportunity for everyone to enjoy the company of their brothers and sisters for a weekend. Metalfab is honored to be able to assist the association in providing the best tournament for its members.
The New Brunswick Firefighter’s Association has recently created a new website and facebook page. Be sure to visit the website and like their facebook page at the following addresses – and Also, be sure to sign up for their newsletter at the website.