MetalFab Blog

Metalfab’s Business Development Manager: How Ryan Stacey’s Spontaneous Job Application Has Resulted In A Flourishing 28-Year Career

Some people jump from job to job out of college, while some (whom you may call the lucky few) find a career path that ignites their passion immediately post-graduation. For Ryan Stacey of Metalfab Firetrucks, he was one of those people who fell into the latter category, and since joining the organization in 1996, he’s…
Read More Metalfab’s Business Development Manager: How Ryan Stacey’s Spontaneous Job Application Has Resulted In A Flourishing 28-Year Career

5 Reasons Why Fire Departments Should Invest In Advanced Technology

As the challenges firefighters face become more intricate and demanding, the need for fire departments to embrace cutting-edge solutions is more pressing than ever before. From bolstering firefighter safety to harnessing the power of data analytics to increase your crew’s efficiency, technological advancements can not only modernize your firefighting practices but also revolutionize the way…
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5 Reasons Why Ergonomic Design Matters In Fire Truck Manufacturing

Ergonomics, by definition, is an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely. When applied to firefighting, it becomes the science of designing things, like fire trucks, to keep firefighters their safest and most efficient. It can be expensive and require additional…
Read More 5 Reasons Why Ergonomic Design Matters In Fire Truck Manufacturing

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