MetalFab Blog

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Help for Firefighters Suffering from Job-Related Mental Health Issues

Help for Firefighters Suffering from Job-Related Mental Health Issues Firefighters are exposed to all kinds of tragedies while on the job, but the public rarely hears about the suffering of the men and women who daily risk their lives. And though firefighters are primarily recognized for responding to fires, they’re also often among the first…
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Wildland Forestry Fire Trucks

Wildland Forestry Fire Trucks Rising temperatures, prolonged droughts, and changing weather patterns have caused devastating forest wildfires across North America, increasing the need for specialized rigs to fight these blazes. The purpose of a wildland fire engine, also known as a brush truck, is to transport firefighters to the scene of a wildfire and supply…
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What’s New in Lighting Systems

What’s New in Lighting Systems New HiViz LEDS/FireTech lighting products were unveiled at the 2023 FDIC held recently in Indianapolis, Indiana. There was an impressive demonstration of the new Omen Lightbar, which comes fully populated with multiple colors­—red, green, blue, amber, and white—in the middle row. It is a modular warning system that’s the most…
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